User Manual

Program Parameter Data
The following table lists the Prophet ’08’s voice parameters. These are used for
the NRPNs and in the program and edit buffer dumps. Since most parameters
are present in both the A and B layers, they are listed side-by-side.
A B Range Description
0 200 0 – 120 Oscillator 1 Frequency, 0 – 120 in semitones (10
octave range)
1 201 0 – 100 Oscillator 1 Fine Tune; 0 = -50 cents, 50 = 0
(centered), 100 = + 50 cents
2 202 0-103 Oscillator 1 Shape
0 Oscillator Off
1 Sawtooth
2 Triangle
3 Sawtooth/triangle mix
4 – 103 Pulse Wave, Pulse width 0 – 99
3 203 0 - 127 Oscillator 1 Glide
4 204 0 - 1 Oscillator 1 Keyboard Off/On
5 205 0 – 120 Oscillator 2 Frequency, 0 – 120 in semitones (10
octave range)
6 206 0 – 100 Oscillator 2 Fine Tune; 0 = -50 cents, 50 = 0
(centered), 100 = + 50 cents
7 207 0-103 Oscillator 2 Shape
0 Oscillator Off
1 Sawtooth
2 Triangle
3 Sawtooth/triangle mix
4 – 103 Pulse Wave, Pulse width 0 – 99
8 208 0 - 127 Oscillator 2 Glide
9 209 0 - 1 Oscillator 2 Keyboard Off/On
10 210 0 - 1 Sync off/on
11 211 0 - 3 Glide Mode:
0 fixed rate
1 fixed rate auto
2 fixed time
3 fixed time auto
12 212 0 - 5 Oscillator Slop
13 213 0 - 127 Oscillator 1 - 2 Mix
14 214 0 - 127 Noise Level
15 215 0 - 164 Filter Frequency, steps in semitones
16 216 0 - 127 Resonance
17 217 0 - 127 Filter Keyboard Amount
18 218 0 - 127 Filter Audio Modulation
19 219 0 - 1 Filter Poles 0: 2-pole; 1: 4-pole
20 220 0 - 254 Filter Envelope Amount; -127 to +127
21 221 0 - 127 Filter Envelope Velocity Amount
22 222 0 - 127 Filter Envelope Delay
23 223 0 - 127 Filter Envelope Attack