User Manual

Radio telemetry equipment (REM, SU6-R) S U6-R deployment
SU6-R deployment
Controlled by operational commands on the transmit frequency from the Remote Eagle
Module (REM), the microprocessor in the SU6-R can receive, convert, stack, store and
transmit (on the REM receive frequency) seismic data to be processed by the CM408 or
With up to six REMs in the master/slave configuration, the data can be retrieved
simultaneously from all. SU6Rs on up to six frequencies. In case of radio restrictions, a simple
wire telemetry link can be used in place of the RE link. To transmit data, two modes are
RF mode;
Wire-Link mode.
For general requirements relating to radio transmission and power supply, see the following
· Typical setting of the cab-mount antenna (page 8-17) · SU6-R signal Quality Control (page
8-31) o Conditions Affecting Reception (page 8-32)
· SU6-R Battery Management (page 8-34)
· FDPA - Field Deployment Aid (page 8~37)
The connectors on the SU6-R consist of:
- Two geophone connectors - GEO A and GEO B:
Used to input seismic signals into the SU6-R.
- WL/DPA (Wire Line / Field Deployment Aid) connector:
Used for Wire Line operation. This port connects to other Master or Slave units by a
Wire-Line cable.
Used for field checks and setup (FDPA).
8-22 March 2001