User's Manual

Page 35
Wireless Tab - WPA Encryption
If the Security Mode is set to WPA, the screen will look like the following example.
Figure 26: Wireless Screen
Selected Device
This shows the name of the Print Server.
If using an ESS (Extended Service Set, with multiple access
points) this ID is called an ESSID (Extended Service Set
To communicate, all Wireless stations MUST use the same
SSID/ESSID. Change this value, or change the other Wireless
stations, to ensure each Wireless station has the same value.
The default value is blank (null), so the Wireless station can join
any Ad-hoc group.
Note! The SSID is case sensitive.
Channel No
The effect of this setting depends on the Network Type setting:
In Infrastructure mode, this setting has no effect. The Channel is
selected automatically, to match the Channel used by the Access
In Ad-hoc mode, all Wireless stations must use the same Channel
number, although some Wireless stations will scan all Channels
looking for an Ad-hoc group they can join.
If you experience interference (shown by lost connections and/or slow
data transfers) you may need to experiment with different channels.
Network Type
Select the correct value for your Wireless LAN.
Ad-hoc mode is used when there is no Wireless Access Point, and
each Wireless station communicates directly with other Wireless
Infrastructure mode is used when each Wireless station connects
to the Wireless Access point. This also provides access to the
wired LAN.