Setup Guide

Chapter 4
This chapter covers the most likely problems and their solutions.
This chapter covers some common problems that may be encountered while using the LTE
Battery Camera and some possible solutions to them. If you follow the suggested steps and the
LTE Battery Camera still does not function properly, contact your dealer for further advice.
Problem 1:
The camera is not Streaming on a mobile device
Solution 1:
Make sure that network signal strength is good for your mobile
Locate the camera to an area with better mobile network coverage.
Make sure that your camera battery is not low.
Make sure that the camera is at least 2 meters away from any WiFi
enabled devices, major electrical equipment, large metal or concrete
Ensure that the battery power is not low
Problem 2
The camera is offline.
Solution 2
1. Unplug your camera, remove the battery, reinsert the battery, and
pay attention to the camera LED behavior.
2. Note the LED behavior after the camera is done starting. Please
check Chapter 2 LED section for more details.
3. If your camera is still offline, contact your dealer for further advice
Problem 3
The image is blurry.
Solution 3
Try cleaning the lens. Condensation can reduce picture quality for the
camera that is used in a wet area. If your camera’s picture quality is
affected by condensation, the better solution is to set a camera under a
Problem 4
Using the motion detection feature, I receive E-Mails which don't show
any moving objects.
Solution 4
The motion detection feature doesn't actually detect motion. It compares
frames to see if they are different. Major differences between frames are
assumed to be caused by moving objects.
But the motion detector can also be triggered by:
Sudden changes in the level of available light
Movement of the camera itself. The better camera set-up location will
be installed at 2.1meter height and Lens tilt down around 10 degree.
Try to avoid these situations. The motion detection feature works best in
locations where there is good steady illumination, and the camera is
mounted securely.