Operation Manual

Pictures 105
Adding pictures with resizing and embed/link
As well as dragging a picture thumbnail from the Assets tab, pictures can
be added to PagePlus by copy and paste or dragging a file from an
external Windows folder directly onto your page.
PagePlus also lets you import pictures via
Import Picture on the
Tools toolbar. You'll be able to size the picture and embed or link it.
Cropping pictures
PagePlus includes the Square Crop Tool and Irregular Crop Tool
which are used typically for cropping pictures on the page. Cropping
discards unwanted "outer" regions of a picture while keeping the
remainder visible.
To crop a selected picture (square crop):
1. On the Attributes toolbar, click the
Square Crop Tool.
2. Hover over an edge/ corner handle until you see a
crop cursor.
3. Drag the cursor inwards (down, left or right) on your picture.