Operation Manual

Publishing and Sharing 145
Preflight check
Preflight is an essential process to ensure that your PagePlus output,
whether PDF, HTML or eBook (both EPUB and EPUB 3 Fixed Layout),
is published as intended. You can run a preflight check at any time
during your design process to fix issues as they occur. In addition, when
a problem is encountered on publishing, the preflight check will report
the problem in the Preflight tab automatically, allowing you to check,
locate, and fix the problem.
The example below shows elements of the page design which may
generate warnings if publishing a document as a PDF.
(A) Missing font style, (B) Low resolution image, (C) Unsupported form
object, (D) Small hyperlink area, (E) Incompatible audio file
It is not mandatory to resolve the warnings indicated in the Preflight
check, in some cases PagePlus will work around the problem
automatically on publication. However, by resolving the warnings, your
final publication should provide users with a better experience when
accessing your chosen output.