Operation Manual

28 Pages
Once you've set up your publication, you can optionally include
repeated page elements on every page by creating master pages (p. 33).
Setting the intent for your publication determines how text is composed
and rendered, so should be decided at the start of your project.
Changing intent after you've finished designing can alter the appearance
of your publication and can affect text flow. You may need to adjust text
frame sizes and layouts.
1. In the Publication Setup dialog, click the Intent menu option.
2. Set the Destination to 'Print / PDF' or 'eBook / Web'.
PagePlus composes text for Print/PDF output by default, so you
should change it if publishing digitally as an eBook/web page, or
designing for dual-purpose print and digital publishing.
3. Set the Primary Colour Mode to RGB or CMYK.
This controls whether the publication uses a colour system that is
most suitable for viewing on-screen (RGB) or for printing (CMYK)
based on professional print inks.
If a preflight warning indicates an incorrect document intent, the
offered 'fix' will automatically change the intent in this dialog to
match the output to be published to.
If producing work professionally you may want to enable colour
management. The publication's primary colour mode is also set in
the Colour Management dialog.