Operation Manual

44 Pages
Layer names and properties
The Layers tab lets you rename layers and set a variety of properties for
one or more layers.
To rename the layer:
1. In the Layers tab, select the layer first, then click on its name.
2. At the insertion point, type a new name then either press the Return
key or click away from the tab.
To set layer properties:
Display the Layers tab.
Select desired settings for the selected layer.
Click the
Make Invisible icon to hide the layer and any
objects on it; click again to reveal the layer.
Click the
Make Non-printable icon to exclude the layer in
page printouts; click again to include it.
Click the
Make Locked icon to prevent objects on the layer
from being selected/edited; click again to allow editing.
You cannot select objects on a layer that is locked or not visible.
Double-click a layer or click Layer Properties to change selection
handle colour and extend settings to layers with the same name. See
Layers tab in PagePlus Help.