
120 Advanced Operations
Installation and Operations Manual
Setting the ‘To’ email address:
The Set Email PrimaryTo and Set Email SecondaryTo commands set the recipient email addresses.
To set the ‘To’ email address:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type set email, followed by primaryto or secondaryto and the
destination email address. Press Enter.
The following command sets the primary ‘to’ email address to DayAdmin@servertech.com:
Switched CDU: set email primaryto DayAdmin@servertech.com<Enter>
The following command sets the secondary ‘to’ email address to NiteAdmin@servertech.com:
Switched CDU: set email secondaryto NiteAdmin@servertech.com<Enter>
Enabling or disabling event notification types:
The Set Email Event, Set Email Auth, Set Email Power and Set Email Config commands enable or
disable email notification of the event types as described on page 107.
To enable or disable event notification types:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type set email, followed by event, auth, power or config and enabled
or disabled. Press Enter.
The following command sets the enables email notification general system events:
Switched CDU: set email event enabled<Enter>
The following command sets the disables email notification authentications attempts:
Switched CDU: set email auth disable<Enter>
Sending a test email:
The Set Email Test command sends a test email to the target email destinations.
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type set email test, and press Enter.
Displaying Email configuration information:
The Show Email command displays Email configuration information.
To display the Email configuration information:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type show email and press Enter.
The following command displays the Email configuration information:
Switched CDU: show email
Email/SMTP Configuration
Email Notifications: Enabled
Host: 2a01:198:731::1
Port: 25
Authentication Type: Any
Authentication With: SMTP Username
Username: ipv6
'From' Address: dan.miller@servertech.com
Primary 'Send To' Address: admin@servertech.com
Secondary 'Send To' Address: sam.jones@servertech.com
Subject ID: [Sentry3_521df6]
EVENT Messages: Enabled
AUTH Messages: Enabled
POWER Messages: Enabled
CONFIG Messages: Enabled
Command Successful