
Operations 33
Installation and Operations Manual
The SNTP/Syslog configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of SNTP and Syslog support.
For more information and the configuration requirements for Syslog support, see the Logging section in
this manual.
The SNTP/Syslog page sets the options for the SNTP server, time zone, Daylight Savings Time (DST)
automatic clock adjustment, and Syslog server.
About Daylight Savings Time(DST)
Support for DST is disabled by default. When enabled, the date and time are automatically adjusted
forward one hour between the starting and ending dates and times (which can be configured).
NOTE: If DST is enabled, all system time displays will be shown with the current daylight savings
time start/end date/time settings.
The default time zone is set for the United Stated until at least 2015.
The time zone format is: mo.w.d/h:m:s, as follows:
mo = month from January to December (1-12)
w = week number (1-4) or the last week (5)
d = day of week from Sunday to Saturday (0-6)
h = hour (0-23)
m = minute (0-59)
s = second (0-59)
Setting the local date/time:
The Date/Time (Local) field shows the current DST settings. To increment the settings – based on
updates to the start/end day/time options – click Update.
Setting the SNTP primary/secondary server address:
The Primary/Secondary Host fields contact the SNTP server; the fields are populated with the external
NTP pool time zones “2.pool.ntp.org” and “1.pool.ntp.org” as default for new units that have not yet
been time set.
Enter the IP address or hostname in the Primary Host and/or Secondary Host field and click Apply.
Setting the local GMT offset:
Select the local offset from GMT value from the drop-down menu and click Apply.
Enabling or disabling Daylight Savings Time (DST):
Select Enabled or Disabled from the SNMPv3 Agent drop-down menu and click Apply.
Setting Daylight Savings Time (DST) start/end date/time options:
Select the week/day/month and hour/minute/second for the start date/time and end date/time from the
drop-down menus and click Apply.
Setting the syslog server address:
Enter the IP address or hostname in the Primary and/or Secondary Host field and click Apply.
NOTE: Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are accepted in the Primary/Secondary Host fields.
Changing the Syslog server port number:
In the Syslog Port field, enter the port number and click Apply.
The SNMP/Thresholds configuration page allows setup and maintenance of all SNMP agent settings
required to enable SNMP. The page also provides access to the trap configuration pages for towers,
input feed, environmental monitor, and sensors.
NOTE: Traps are generated according to a hierarchical architecture; for example, if a tower status enters a trap condition,
only the tower status trap is generated. Infeed and outlet status traps are suppressed until the tower status returns to normal.