
Operations 35
Installation and Operations Manual
Configuring general parameters for any SNMP version:
Setting trap destinations:
Type an IP address or hostname as necessary in the trap destination field(s) and click Apply.
NOTE: Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are accepted in the “Trap Destination 1” and “Trap Destination 2” fields.
Setting the error trap repeat time:
Type a time value in the Error Trap Repeat Time field and click Apply. The valid range is 1 to 65535
(in seconds).
Setting IP restrictions:
From the IP Restrictions drop-down menu, select the No Restrictions or Trap Destinations Only option
and click Apply.
NOTE: When the Trap Destinations Only option is selected, SNMP Manager Get and Set requests are allowed only from
the IP address of the defined trap destinations.
Setting the SNMP SysName, SysLocation or SysContact objects:
In the appropriate field, enter the SysName, SysLocation or SysContact objects and click Apply.
Enabling or disabling tower traps:
Click on the Tower Traps link.
On the subsequent Tower Traps page, select or deselect the desired traps and click Apply.
Configuring input feed traps:
Click on the Input Feed Traps link.
On the subsequent Input Feed Traps page, select or deselect the desired traps and click Apply.
For Load traps, enter a maximum load value for the infeed in the High Load Threshold field and click Apply.
The default input feed high load threshold is 80% of the input feed maximum load capacity.
Enabling or disabling Environmental Monitor traps:
Click on the Environmental Monitor Traps link.
On the subsequent page, select or deselect the desired traps and click Apply.
Configuring the Temperature and Relative Humidity sensor traps:
Click on the Sensor Traps and Thresholds link.
On the subsequent Sensor Traps and Thresholds page, select or deselect the desired trap checkboxes
and click Apply.
Configuring the Temperature and Relative Humidity sensor thresholds:
Click the Sensor Traps and Thresholds link.
For temperature thresholds, type a low and high temperature value in the Low Temp and High temp
fields and click Apply.
For relative humidity thresholds, type a low and high humidity percentage in the Low Humid and High
Humid fields, and click Apply.
NOTE: For temperature thresholds, the valid range is 0 to 123 degrees Celsius or 32 to 254 degrees Fahrenheit. For
relative humidity, the valid range is 0 to 100 (in percent relative humidity).