
36 Operations
Installation and Operations Manual
Configuring Temperature Recovery Delta:
Click on the Sensor Traps and Thresholds link.
The Recovery Delta field allows configuration of the number of degrees of change needed to recover
from a temperature alarm. After exceeding the high-temperature threshold, the temperature value must
fall below the high-temperature threshold by the number of degrees specified in the Recovery Delta
field before the sensor recovers.
For example, if the High Temp value is 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the Recovery Delta field is 2
degrees Fahrenheit, the sensor will not recover until a temperature value of 78 degrees Fahrenheit is
To configure a temperature recovery delta, type a value (in degrees) in the Recovery Delta field and
click Apply.
NOTE: The acceptable value range for the Recovery Delta field is 0-10 degrees for Celsius and 0-18 degrees for
Fahrenheit. The default value for the Recovery Delta field is 1 degree Celsius and 2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Setting IP Restrictions:
Select No Restrictions or Trap Destinations Only from the IP Restrictions drop-down menu and click
NOTE: When Trap Destinations Only is selected, SNMP Manager GET and SET requests are only allowed from the IP
addresses of the defined traps destinations.
The LDAP configuration page is used for setup and maintenance of all settings required to enable
LDAP support.
Enabling or disabling LDAP support:
Select Enabled or Disabled from the LDAP drop-down menu and click Apply.
Changing the LDAP server port:
Enter the port number in the LDAP Port field and click Apply.
Setting the LDAP server address:
Enter the IP address or hostname in the Primary and/or Secondary Host field and click Apply.
NOTE: Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are accepted in the Primary/Secondary Host fields.
Enabling or disabling LDAP over TLS/SSL:
Select Yes or No from the Use TLS/SSL drop-down menu and click Apply.
NOTE: If LDAP over TLS/SSL is enabled, MD5 binding is disabled.
Setting the LDAP bind password type:
Select Simple from the Bind Type drop-down menu and click Apply.
NOTE: If MD5 binding is enabled, LDAP over TLS/SSL is disabled.
Setting the search bind Distinguished Name (DN):
Enter the fully-qualified distinguished name (FQDN) in the Search Bind field and click Apply.
Setting the search bind password for Distinguished Name (DN):
Enter the Search Bind Password in the Search Bind Password field and click Apply.
Setting the user search base Distinguished Name (DN):
Enter the User Search Base DN in the User Search Base DN field and click Apply.