
Operations 43
Installation and Operations Manual
Administrative Command Summary
Add Porttouser Grants a user access to one or all serial/Pass-Thru ports
Create User Adds a user account
Delete Portfromuser Removes access to one or all serial/Pass-Thru ports
List User Displays all accessible ports for a user
List Users Displays privilege levels for all users
Remove User Deletes a user account
Restart Performs a warm boot
Set Banner Set the pre-login banner text
Set DHCP Enables or disables DHCP support
Set DHCP Boot Delay Enables or disables 90-second boot delay between PT22 and DHCP server
Set DHCP Static Addr Fallback Enables or disables DHCP fallback to a static IP address
Set DNS Sets the IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) server
Set EnergyWise Enables or disables the Cisco EnergyWise network
Set EnergyWise Domain Sets the Cisco EnergyWise domain name
Set EnergyWise Port Sets the Cisco EnergyWise port number
Set EnergyWise Secret Sets the Cisco EnergyWise secret
Set Envmon Name Specifies a descriptive field for the integrated Environmental Monitor
Set Envmon THS Name Specifies a descriptive field for a temperature-humidity sensor
Set FTP Autoupdate Enables or disables automatic FTP update support
Set FTP Autoupdate Day Sets the automatic FTP update day
Set FTP Autoupdate Hour Sets the automatic FTP update hour
Set FTP Directory Specifies the directory for the file to be uploaded
Set FTP Filename Specifies the file to be uploaded via FTP
Set FTP Directory Specifies the directory for the file to be uploaded
Set FTP Host Sets the FTP Host IP address or hostname
Set FTP Password Sets the password for the FTP Host
Set FTP Test Validates that the PT22 can login to the FTP server and verify/download the
firmware file
Set FTP Username Sets the username for the FTP Host
Set FTP Server Enables or disables the FTP server
Set Gateway Sets the gateway of the PT22
Set HTTP Enables or disables HTTP access and sets the HTTP target port.
Set HTTP Port Specifies the target port for HTTP access
Set Infeed Name Specifies a descriptive field for the infeed
Set IP Address Sets the IP address of the PT22
Set Infeed Loadmax Specifies the maximum load capacity for the infeed
Set Infeed Voltage Specifies the nominal input voltage for the infeed
Set LDAP UseTLS Enables or disables LDAP over TLS/SSL support
Set Location Specifies a descriptive field for the Web control screen and login banner
Set Net Determines acquisition method for protocol stack and IPv4/IPv6 addresses
Set Option Button Enables or disables the external configuration reset button
Set Option CLI Timeout Sets the Command Line Interface (CLI) session timeout period
Set Option Coldboot Alert Enables or disables the Coldboot Alert feature using a serial protocol
Set Option Display Sets the LED orientation for external current displays
Set Option More Enables or disables the ‘more’ prompt
Set Option Outlet Sequence Configures outlet power-on sequence order as normal or reversed