
Operations 49
Installation and Operations Manual
Starting a new session:
The Login command activates the Username: prompt. The current session ends, allowing a user to log
in and start a new session under a different username.
To start a new session:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type login and press Enter. The Username: prompt appears.
Ending a session:
The Quit or Logout commands ends a session. A session ends automatically when no activity is
detected for five minutes, or upon loss of connection.
To end a session:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type quit and press Enter, or
Type logout and press Enter.
Displaying UPS status:
The UPSStat command displays the status of one or more UPS devices associated with the unit. The
display includes UPS index number, type, line/battery status, and reported voltage.
NOTE: Access to this command requires enabling user privileges for environmental monitoring using the Set User
Envmon command.
To display status of one or more UPS devices:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type upsstat and press Enter.
The following command displays the UPS status:
Switched CDU: upsstat<Enter>
Index Type Status Voltage
1 Generic(RFC1628) N/A N/A
2 Liebert On Battery 120.0
3 MGE On Utility 119.9
Administration Commands
Administration commands can only be issued by a user with administrative privileges, such as the
predefined Admn user or another user who has been granted administrative privileges with the Set User
Admnpriv command.
User Administration
Creating a user account:
The Create User command creates a user account with the specified username and password.
To create a user account:
At the Switched CDU: prompt, type create user, optionally followed by a 1-16 character username
(Spaces are not allowed, and usernames are not case sensitive). Press Enter.
At the Password: prompt, type a password of 1-16 alphanumeric and other typed characters - (ASCII 33
to 126 decimal) are allowed; passwords are case sensitive. Press Enter.
At the Verify Password: prompt, retype the password. Press Enter.
The following command creates the user account JaneDoe:
Switched CDU: create user JaneDoe<Enter>
Password: <Enter>
Verify New Password: <Enter>
For security, password characters are not displayed.