User`s guide

<br />
<input type="radio"
value="coffee"/><label for="radioTwo">Coffee</label>
Be careful when using the get("value") method. The value of the radio button will ONLY be
returned if it is checked otherwise "false" is returned. If we want to get the value irrespective of
its checked state, get the "value" property directly.
Using radio buttons in conjunction with dijit/form/Form can make their handling much
easier. We can define a "name" property on all the buttons and use the form's get("value") to
get an object back that will have the "name" property set to the selected value.
When programatically creating a Radio Button, one must also create a "label".
var label = domConstruct.create("label", {
innerHTML: "My Label",
Among the properties for RadioButton are:
Take care when asking a RadioButton for its "value". If we use its get("value") method, it will
return true or false. True if it is checked and false otherwise. If we want the value of the "value"
property, we should retrieve it via the normal JavaScript property accessor such as:
See also:
Dojo Docs – dijit/form/RadioButton – 1.9
sitepen - Dojo FAQ: How do you set a default selected RadioButton? - 2014-02-19
Dijit Checkboxes – 1.9
The combo box is basically a cross between a text input field and a select drop down. The user can
enter any text they wish or they can select from the pull-down an existing entry. If the user starts to
enter text which is a prefix of one of the pull-downs, the set of prefixed pull-downs is shown.
The entries for the pull-down can be set from a Dojo store or using HTML declaration using
<option> elements.
The following are some of the more important attributes of the widget:
value – The value entered or selected by the user.
store – A dojo store that sets the options in the combo box.
searchAttr – The name of the property of the entries in the store that will be used for the
value for the options.
forceValidOption – If set to true, the entered data must match one of the available
items to be selected. If set to false, the user can enter any value even if it doesn't match one
of the pre-defined possible values.
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