User`s guide

The Value Picker seems to have display problems within the Rich Page Editor. When
added, it does not appear to show in the visual canvas.
See also:
This widget provides a visual for picking a date.
This widget inserts a slot into a ValuePicker. Below is an example.
It is not uncommon to explicitly specify the style "width" to size the slot.
Some of its key properties include:
value – The current value of the slot.
labels – An array of possible values for the slot. A declarative example of labels
supplied in HTML might be:
<div data-dojo-type=""
data-dojo-props="labels: ['Low','Medium', 'High']">
When adding labels using the properties view, take care as the data entered seems to be
'mangled' with quote types replaced and/or escaped. Experience seems to show that manually
editing the HTML source is the most reliable way to make changes.
items – an array of name/value pairs for the slot.
labelFrom – A starting value for the slot.
labelTo – An ending value for the slot.
step – The steps from "labelFrom" to "labelTo".
zeroPad – The number of zeros to pad left.
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