Quick Start Guide

Navigate to the unpacked client directory (see point 1.2 on how to unpack the software package) and
execute the “client.jar” file (see [Troubleshooting] point 2 on how to start a jar file).
Figure 8 - Starting ESL Client
The client is configured to connect to a server on the local machine per default. In order to change
this to a remote machine in a network you have to start the client with an additional parameter:
Create a shortcut/Edit existing short cut
Append --host hostnameOrIPAddress” at the end of the “Target” field. ( : The text to
append starts with an space and there are 2 hyphens to add!)
Append --host hostnameOrIPAddress” at the end of command (e.g. “java -jar client.jar --
host” : The text to append starts with an space and there are 2 hyphens
to add!)
Figure 9 - Starting ESL Client with parameter