Quick Start Guide

As soon as labels are online you can do several things:
Send image to label
Assign tags
Show the current image
Ping label
Reset label (reset display to show label ID and label ID barcode)
Refresh display
Switch to a preloaded page
Create a new matching
1) Right click on one or more labels -> Send image…
2) Select a picture ( : Display size must match the resolution of the image see imago G1 label
family on page 5)
a. In the right pane, a priority (currently not relevant) could be set for the task, as well as the
Page to which the image should be sent and whether the image is preloaded.
b. When preloading, the image is placed in the memory of the label, but not yet displayed. The
image change will only be performed after the change to the relevant page. This allows for
each label that images are cached on the various pages and be accessed quickly by switching
to the relevant page.
3) By clicking on “open” the corresponding task(s) for the label(s) will be created and the transfer
Figure 24: Send image to label