User's Manual

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Example - Recipe information
A customer starts the mobile application and put his/her smartphone next to the label with
integrated NFC chip which belongs topasta. The developed application retrieves the product
information data from the ESL system and pushes corresponding recipes to his/her
5.1.2 Redirection/Forwarding (for demo purposes only)
If you don't want to develop your own application to handel NFCreadings there's the
possibility to request a redirection for your specific NFClabel range to a URIof your choice.
Currently this functionality is just for demo purposes. In future we will provide an service for it.
Example - Customer's website
You have bought a number of NFC tags and want to redirect to its website when reading the
Write an email with your forwarding request (relevant labels, customer, URI)to The support team will manage the request and gives you feedback
as soon as the forwarding works.
E.g. Customer XY, G1 retail 2.7 red NFC
labels with IDs: B501ABC1, B501B324, forward to
5.2 Ordering Information
Please contact our sales team for ordering information and pricing at