Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide
Page 11 of 50
3 Core appliance initial setup
To operate the appliance there are only a few steps necessary:
1. Supply with power
2. Turn it on (button on the backside of the device)
3. Plug it into your network
Per default, the imagotag core appliance comes with DHCPenabled. So if you have a
DHCPservice running you can find it with the MAC address which is printed on the bottom side
of the appliance.
If there's no way to get access to the DHCPserver we recommend to use a USBdevice with a
configuration file to configure the appliance initially.
FIGURE 1-5: Core appliance rear view
3.1 USB device configuration
You can find an example configuration file (example.config) at our customer portal.
Core appliance service reference mode | Core appliance example.config file
After downloading, editing and copying the configuration file onto any USBdevice, the
configuration is automatically adopted after plugging in the USB flash drive into the appliance.
A triple beep indicates the successful configuration. A single beep signals that the
configuration hasn't been set successful.
The web UIinterface of the appliance is now available under http://<ip-address>.
The initial configuration of the appliance can be compared with the installation and start of an
imagotag Core Service. After configuration, you can access the appliance via the imagotag
Control Center from every system connected to your network (see Starting imagotag Control
Center on page 15).