Quick Start Guide

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Core Service Quick Start Guide
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7 ESL Access Point Configuration
The ESL access points are the communication center in the store that transmits information to the
labels. In order to ensure the communication between SES-imagotag Core Service, ESL access
point(s) and the labels the access points have to be configured at the start of the SES-imagotag Core
In the Core Service Quick Start Guide you will find the procedure to connect and configure the SES-
imagotag AP-2010. For other ESL access point, please find on the SES-imagotag Customer and
Partner Portal the corresponding Configuration Guide.
7.1 Connect and configure AP-2010
7.1.1 Connect and configure
Before labels are able to communication with the SES-imagotag Core Service at least one ESL
access point needs to be configured. In standard configuration the AP-2010 gets an IP-address via
DHCP (recommended) and is accessible via imagotag AP-2010 web UI:
URL: http://<host|ip>:8080
Login: admin/admin
7.1.2 Discover the Access Point
Before you can configure the AP-2010 access point it’s necessary that it will be discovered.
The following points have to be observed:
l Connect your machine to the same network as the AP
l Plug in the power supply of the access point
l During the boot process of the access point, start the SES-imagotag Core Service software on
the computer
l When the access point is up (LEDturns orange), the SES-imagotag Core Service will discover
it with an IP address (Note: The discovering process may take up to 2 minutes)
l Use the SES-imagotag Control Center to connect to your SES-imagotag Core Service
l Under System Access Point Status the AP should be listed as discovered (after successful
boot sequence)