Quick Start Guide

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Core Service Quick Start Guide
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11.4 Matchings/Multi-Facing
The logical link between articles and the label that shows the article information and price of this
articles is called matching. With a matching the layout of the image rendered for the label is also
defined by specifying the name of a template.
In a more technical way a matching is the triple of:
l Label ID
l Article number(s) or GTIN
l Name of the template file
Note: Only one matching per label is allowed but articles may be matched to more than one label.
Select File New matchings to open the dialog where you can select the desired data records and
create a number of matchings at the same time. To generate a multi-matching, multiple article
numbers separated with a comma have to be specified. Keep in mind that your template has to be
able to render a image for multiple articles.
FIGURE 1-26: New matchings dialog
Another way to create/edit matchings is under Matchings All Matchings”:
l Select the desired data records (Label ID, Article Number) in the following window New Match-
ing Record“(either manually or with the magnifying glass symbol). Select an appropriate tem-
plate via Template that should be used to generate the image.
l Confirm your choice by clicking Save. After that, the generated image is sent to the selected
FIGURE 1-27: Create a matching