Quick Start Guide

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Core Service Quick Start Guide
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12 Templates
The template is used to specify the fields, which should be rendered into the image. The SES-
imagotag Core Service can handle multiple templates.
12.1 General information about templates
The image rendering process is based on XSL (EXtensible Stylesheet Language) templates. The
individual image for the label is then generated by applying the template to a XML, which is based on
the properties of the label and is expanded by a custom XML from the user.
The following steps are executed when processing a template:
l Generating a record XML based on the label/task information and custom information provided
by the user
l Applying the template (XSL) on the generated record XML. This results in a document con-
taining the fields, specified in this reference and values referenced from the XML
l Rendering the image (*.PNG) based on the previous output
FIGURE 1-31: Input and result of the rendering process
12.2 SES-imagotag Template Editor
In order to use our rendering engine you must know our template language which is basically XSL.
We do also have a SES-imagotag Template Editor with live preview, but you need a little bit time to
setup everything and get familiar with it. Therefore we suggest to send pre-rendered images to labels
(right-click on a label -> send image) which you can create with every image manipulation software
you want (e.g. Gimp, Photoshop, Paint, ). You can even take some pre-rendered images from us
for each label type with the correct resolution as a template you’ll find some in the SES-imagotag
Control Center’s directory under data/images.
12.2.1 Starting SES-imagotag Template Editor
Navigate to the unpacked SES-imagotag Template Editor (see point Get the latest software and
documentation on how to unpack the software package) and execute the template.jar” file (see
Troubleshooting on page 36).