Instruction manual

Publication reference 1HZ204-1 7
WARNING: Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result
in injury or death to persons.
CAUTION: Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could
damage to the equipment, associated equipment or process. Refer to the
accompanying manufacturers’ instruction manuals for the technical data on
individual components.
See Appendix 1 for list of Instruction Manuals.
WARNING: Sodium Azide Explosion Hazard
Sodium Azide, which is sometimes used in the freeze-drying process, is a toxic and
(when dry) highly explosive material. In the process of pumping product containing
this chemical, a reaction can occur in the presence of heavy metals (copper, lead,
zinc and cadmium). The resulting reaction is the formation of heavy metal azides
that are highly unstable, and which present a very severe explosion hazard.
Standard LS40 and LS60 freeze dryers are not suitable for use with Sodium
Azide. Please contact Severn Science if you wish to use Sodium Azide; the
equipment can be modified by the manufacturer for safe operation with Sodium
Azide if required.
Freeze drying is a method used to dehydrate heat sensitive materials via a process involving the
sublimation of any water content (in the form of ice) under vacuum conditions. The process can
be subdivided into three (3) stages; freezing, primary drying, where the bulk of the water content
is removed by sublimation, and secondary drying where residual bound water is removed at
higher temperatures. The LS range of freeze dryers is capable of automatically performing all
these functions in a controlled and reproducible manner.
The equipment consists of a large vacuum drying chamber mounted directly above a
refrigerated condenser with integral vacuum pump. The drying chamber contains up to five
refrigerated shelves that can be moved up and down via an electrically operated ram for
stoppering processes. Both condenser and drying chambers are fitted with their own
refrigeration systems, specified for either high temperature (denoted model LS40) or low
temperature (model LS60) use. The temperature of the product shelves used in the LS40
can be controlled between +60
C and –40
C whereas shelf temperatures can be varied
between +60
C and –60
C for the LS60 version. Both systems have a compact footprint
allowing the equipment to be moved through standard sized doorways. Commissioning is
simple and straightforward, requiring no external services other than mains power. All
components are housed inside a free-standing cabinet with detachable inspection panels at
the front, rear and sides for easy maintenance.