User's Manual

Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
User Manual
Revision IR Page 12 / 25
(c) Status with option slave1 (d) Status with option “slave2”
Figure13. command example “status”
Commands Descriptions
system shows Slim-RU system ID
hpa enable shows status of HPA enable or disable
hpa fwd power shows HPA power in dBm
hpa temp shows HPA temperature
equip temp shows Slim-RU temperature
hpa shutdown shows HPA shutdown status as an “ON or OFF”
hpa fan shows fan operation is normal or not as an “ON or OFF”
hpa dc fail shows the status of DC power to HPA as an “ON or OFF”
lna_1 shows LNA_1 status is normal or not as an “ON or OFF”
lna_2 shows LNA_2 status is normal or not as an “ON or OFF”
hpa over_temp shows HPA over temperature is normal or not as an “ON or OFF”
hpa vswr shows HPA VSWR is normal or not as an “ON or OFF”
hpa over_power shows HPA output power is over or not as an “ON or OFF”
hpa_deletion shows HPA deletion or not as an “ON or OFF”
lna_deletion shows LNA deletion or not
master keep alive shows master communicates to AW96 normally or not as an “ON
or OFF”
slave1 keep alive shows master communicates to slave1 normally or not as an “ON
or OFF”
slave2 keep alive shows master communicates to slave2 normally or not as an “ON
or OFF”