
the biblical code and ther types of psuedocryptology!
Be warned M&M lyrics played backwards and translated
to 1000 B.C. arameic are where it is at!!!!!!!
RE: ...ALC and the ZEN of CALBERTS flatuosis error
by K4JSR on February 10, 2005 Mail this to a friend!
Cheesy dolphins give our lives porpoise.
Sorry you could not join all of us at Ruth's Crisp
Mouse Steak House for some victuals and potable liquids last Friday. We had a ball.
I just noticed an ad for Isopole antennas at the top
of the page. I wonder if N6AJR has invented the
fan Isopole?
I wonder if their erp is calculated against an isotopic source? I wonder if you would get more power
radiated from the antenna if the coax was in *LINEAR*
Flatuosis error? Sir! At my age I never pass a rest room and I never, ever trust an eruction! You'll know
what I mean in a few years!
What has this got to do with Alan's ALC and amplifier
73, Fat Calbert HEY! HEY! HEY!
ALC Adjustment Procedure
by WA2JJH on February 10, 2005 Mail this to a friend!
Best ALC circuit I have seen is in the HARRIS RF-3200.
The CPU use's the RX AGC, an A/D sampler at the RF out. Bear in mind(run) The commercial rigs have always on
speech processing, the CPU controlled ALC HAS NO PUMPING. It also changes the attact and decay time constants.
An HF commercial rig has far stricter standards.
It is a balance act to get a clean signal as well with one with "punch".
sure certain rigs and amps work well with no ALC LINE.
Such as using an Ft-1000 in class A mode and driving an amplifier for less than AB1 full power operaton.
Or your one of those dudes that buy a HENRY EXPort 5KW in, and limit your output by driving it with 30W for that legal
1500W output hi hi.
I guess there are rigs that hold their
PEP to a more constant level then others. Some amps have much greater lattitude for
sudden rf spikes.
It is a scary thaught of taking the ALC voltage from an old heath amplifier and feeding it in to a FT-100D.
A properly adjusted Heathkit run about -15V peak for thier ALC. However one can get up to -45V.
I found I could run my single 8873 SB-230 with any rig and NOT use ALC.
Decay and attack timing is another beast to deal with. Run the rig with no mods on attack and decay, you will be OK.
Adjustment Procedure
by KK9H on February 11, 2005 Mail this to a friend!
For those who own an Icom IC-PW1 amp, look at this link.
About half way down the article is a description of how to adjust the ALC for this amp which varies from the setup