
A light bulb connected to the antenna jack of a radio is simple and effective
method to test if your radio is transmitting. The instruction below explain how
to test the SG-2000 HF Radio and optionally the SG-235 Coupler.
This test can be modified and adapted to work on any other radio.
EE qquuiippmm eenntt RR eeqquuii rr eedd::
SG-2000 Radio or any HF SSB and AM/FM Transmitters.
SG-235 Coupler
AC to UHF Connector Cable [see figure below]
AC to Alligator Clips Cable (needed with Coupler) [see figure below]
Light Bulb to AC Adapter [see figure below] (be sure light bulb is good)
Light Bulb; 75 to 200 watt, 120 to 220 VAC
RR aa dd iioo TT eesstt PPrr oo cc ee dd uu rr ee ::
1. Connect "AC to UHF Connector Cable" to SG-2000 RF IN/OUT Connector.
2. Screw light bulb into "AC Adapter"
3. Plug AC Adapter and light bulb into "AC to UHF Connector Cable" that
is attached the radio [see figure below]
4. Turn on the radio and set to CW mode and PWR to HI
5. Key "push to talk" switch on microphone, and observe the light bulb.
The light should come on if the radio is transmitting.
6. Set power to LO
7. Key "push to talk" switch on microphone, and observe the light bulb.
The light should come on if the radio is transmitting. Observe that the
light is not as bright as step 5.
© 1998 SGC Inc
SG-235 Manual
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: sgc@sgcworld.com Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com