Technical data

Chapter 5: System Configuration and Operation
Installing the Operating System
The basic IRIX operating system is factory installed on your system disk. No software
installation is required. If additional software is desired, it must be downloaded either
locally (using a CD-ROM drive) or remotely over the network. See the IRIX Admin: Disks
and Filesystems manual for additional information about mounting and configuring
drives. Refer to the IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing manual for the detailed
steps required to download the software.
Note: A copy of the IRIX operating system is supplied with the system on a compact
disc. Place the CD in a secure place in case you need to reinstall the operating system.
Powering Off the System
The system should be powered off only for routine maintenance or repair. You can power
your rack system off in a number of ways.
Bring the system down from a shell.
Become superuser by typing /bin/su and pressing Enter.
Enter your superuser password, if prompted.
When you see the superuser prompt (#), type /etc/shutdown and press Enter.
A message similar to the following appears on the screen:
Okay to power off the system now.
Press any key to restart.
Use the (MMSC) display to shutdown the rack (see Chapter 7, “Using the System
Turn off the power switches for the system and the peripherals in the following order:
printer (if installed)
system modules
rack PDU