Installation Instructions

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8.3 Using Tare Weight
There are three different types of Tare weight, a known Tare weight, an unknown Tare
weight and a Preset Tare weight. The procedures to use and clear all three types are
explained below.
Not e s:
1. The NET Tri-mark (
) will be lit whenever there is any Tare weight
2. To clear the Tare weight before weighing a PLU, remove the
container from the platter and then touch the Tare key.
3. The Tare weight will automatically be cleared after the transaction is
4. Touching the Save key while a Tare weight is present will retain the
Tare weight even after the commodity has been removed from the
8.3.1 Registering an Unknow n Tar e w eight
An unknown Tare weight may be entered by placing the container on the platter
and pressing the Tare key. After the Tare key has been pressed the Tare weight
will be displayed in the Tare display window and the NET tri-mark (
) will be lit.
8.3.2 Registering a K nown Tar e w eight
A known Tare weight may be entered using the numeric keys. Enter the Tare
weight value using the numeric keys and then press the Tare key. After the Tare