User's Manual

H12Tool Introduction
1For switching the hand settings
2For checking rubber capacity
3For matching the remote controller with other receivers (the matching method is
introduced below)
4 For checking the image returned by the camera
5In the advanced options, you can adjust the channels, upgrade the rocker firmware, check
the signal strength, modify the receiver serial port baud rate (password needs to get from the
Frequency Matching
1When the receiver is powered on, the green light flashes quickly after short-circuiting GNG
and MODE KEY. Open the H12Tool on the remote controller, click Frequency Matching to start
matching. The green light of the receiver will be always on when the match is successful.
Quickly power on the receiver 5 times, and start the match mode for the 6th time, the green light
flashes. Open the H12Tool on the remote control, click Frequency Matching to start matching.
The green light of the receiver is always on after the match is successful.