User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Smart Device Application
The smart device application makes working with your network lighting easy by allowing you to use your
Smartphone, Tablet (or iTouch), or TV to set up, manage, and control your lights. Using your smart device, you
can configure lights into rooms and lighting groups, turn lights on and off, set up Smart Controls to automatically
control lights, and much more.
Network Connection
When you start the smart device application, it automatically searches for your Gateway through your wireless
router. If the application finds a Gateway on your local network, it automatically connects to the associated
lighting network. If your smart device does not find a local Gateway, it will try to access your Gateway remotely
via the Internet or mobile data connection. For your smart device to connect remotely to your Gateway you must
already have created an online account (discusses in the Installation and Setup chapter) and your Gateway must
be connected to the Internet (for example, through your router).