Operation Manual

(2) Test of both COM1 and COM2 should connect with PC serial port, take the test by using DNW
9 Pinpad test
Select the second item 2PINPAD in the hardware test menu and press “Enter”, display as follows:
04/03/16 13:24 04/03/16 13:24
PINPAD TEST MENU 1 Pinpad test menu 1
1PINPAD DISPLAY 1 Pinpad display test
2PINPAD KEYBOARD 2 Pinpad keyboard test
9.1 Pinpad display test
Select 1PINPAD DISPLAY and press “Enter”, pinpad will test automatically. First of all, it would
test buzzer, then followed by tests of turning on and off of backlight, refreshing screen, and Chinese
character display of graphics mode.
Note! :
(1) The testing items shift in every 3 seconds, you can also press “Enter” to shift to the next test
item quickly, press “Cancel” to exit test directly.
(2) When display test, buzzer should work well, backlight turning off should be normal, contrast
should be even, there should not be lack of row and column during refresh display, character display
should be normal and in order, all items on the sub screen can be displayed, and the screen should
not wink or darken.
9.2 Pinpad keyboard test
Select 2PINPAD KEYBOARD and press “Enter” to begin to test of Pinpad, such as:
04/03/16 13:24 04/03/16 13:24
PINPAD KEYBOARD Pinpad keyboard test
PRESS CANCEL TO EXIT Press “Cancel” to exit
The pressing time will display on the screen (like “5” in the above table).
Note! :
(1) The pressing time will be displayed on the host screen when testing pinpad keyboard, it is
normal if there is not any reaction of pinpad.
(2) Notice that it should be comfortable when pressing keys, there should not be sort of friction or
resistance, and keys should be rebound well, key surface should clean and silk screen should be
clear, keys pressing time should correspondent to the pressing silk screen, buzzer should have a
prompt sound when pressing.
(3) Backlight should be turned on if there is a backlight in keyboard.
10 MODEM test
Select 3MODEM of the second item in the hardware test menu and press “Enter” to begin to test,
as is: