Operation Manual

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Input hour and minutes by way of keyboard, such as 1324 refers to 13:24. Return to the system
configuration menu after the confirmation.
1.2 Hardware setting
1.2.1 Model setting
Select 3.HARDWARE SETTING and confirm. the display interface is as follows:
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1 1
1-PS100 2-PS200 1-PS100 2-PS200
3-PS300 4-PS400 3-PS300 4-PS400
After confirmed the model, input its correspondent numeric key setting model, such as: input “1”
refers to PS100.
1.2.2 Version No. setting
After the setting and confirmation of the model, the host will prompt to set version No., which is
composed of the main version and sub version. When setting, the part before “z” of the version No.
should be taken as the main version No. (1 digit), while the part follows as should be the sub
version (2 digits), if the sub version is less than two digits, add “0” at the end. Take the version No.
2.7A for example, host display the main version No., the interface would be as follows:
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MAIN VER Main version
2 2 The part before decimal point
The host will display the sub version No. after confirmation, the interface is as follows: (input 71
refers to 7A, hereinafter and so on )
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SUB VER Sub version
71 71 Part follows decimal point, add 0 up
to the end if digits are in short.
1.2.3 Serial No. setting
After setting of version No., host will prompt to set serial No., which contains host serial No. and
Pinpad serial No., the interface is as follows:
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SERIAL NO Host serial No.
2710403020001 2710403020001