Operation Manual

Input the calling center help line of our company, this phone No. will be prompted to offer help
when system checking out a mistake.
2.0 OS setting
Select 5. OS SETTING of the second item in system setting menu, the display interface is as
04/03/16 13:24 04/03/16 13:24
OS DEBUG ENABLE? OS system debug enables?
0 0 (No)
1-Y 0-N 1-Yes 0-No
Input “0” to disenable, and display the following interface after confirmation:
04/03/16 13:24 04/03/16 13:24
APP DEBUG ENABLE? Application system debug enables?
0 0 (No)
1-Y 0-N 1-Yes 0-No
Input “0” to disenable, then confirm and save, the setting is completed.