User's Manual

Smart Machine Smart Decision
SIM5320AL_User Manual_V1.01 2014-08-20
T(pdout) Delay from PCM_CLK rising to PCM_DOUT valid 350 ns
Delay from PCM_CLK falling to PCM_DOUT
160 ns
Note: SIM5320 can transmit PCM data by USB except for PCM interface. Please refer to document [22] for more
information of PCM Application Note.
3.12 Multi-functional interface
SIM5320AL merges functions for various applications. It can enrich users’ design and lower the cost of
users’ hardware.
3.12.1 Sink Current Source
The dedicated pin (CURRENT_SINK) is intended for driving passive devicessuch as LCD backlight, this
implementation is +5V tolerant and suitable for driving white LEDs. The high-current driver can maintain
a constant current which is set by the AT command AT+ CLEDITST”, capable of up to 150 mA.
Table 31: Electronic characteristic
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Unit
CURRENT_SINK Input voltage 0.5 VDD 5 V
Input current - - 150 mA
Since the driver is ground-referenced current sink, the operating device it drives must form a current path
between the VDD pin and the CURRENT_SINK pin. The following figure is for users reference.
Figure 36: Current drive