User`s manual

26 MB700 Users Manual
J21: LAN2 RJ45 Connector
J21, an RJ45 connector, is for the external LAN connector. The MB700
supports both 10Mbps and 100Mbps LAN facilities.
Signal Name
Pin # Pin # Signal Name
LED1+ 1 2 LED1-
RX+ 3 4 RX-
LED2- 5 6 Ground
LED2+ 7 8 Ground
TX+ 9 10 TX-
J27: Digital I/O Connector
This 10-pin Digital I/O connector supports TTL levels and is used to
control external devices requiring ON/OFF circuitry.
Signal Name
Pin # Pin # Signal Name
DI0 1 6 Vcc
DI1 2 7 DO0
No Connect 3 8 Ground
No Connect 4 9 DO1
Ground 5 10 +12V
Digital Input
Input channels: 2 bits
Input Voltage: High: 2.0V (min)
Low: 0.8V (max)
Input Load: High: 0.05mA max at 2.7V
Low: 0.4mA max at 0.5V
Register Address: 260H
Register Format: BIT: D1 D0
Value: DI1 DI0
Digital Output
Output channels: 2 bits
Output voltage: High: Source -0.4mA at 2.4V min
Low: Sink 8mA at 0.5V max
Register Address: 260H (Write)
Register Format: BIT: D1 D0
Value: DO1 DO0