User`s manual

42 MB700 Users Manual
AGP Aperture Size (MB)
The field sets aperture size of the graphics. The aperture is a portion of the
PCI memory address range dedicated for graphics memory address space.
Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without
any translation. The options available are 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M,
128M and 256M. The default setting is 64M.
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk
When enabled, the system automatically shuts off clocks of unused
DIMM/PCI slots. The default setting is Disabled. This field is for CE
testing use only.
Spread Spectrum
This field sets the value of the spread spectrum. Options are Disabled,
0.25% and 0.5%. The default setting is Disabled. This field is for CE
testing use only.
CPU Warning Temperature
This field sets the threshold temperature at which an alert is sounded
through the system’s speaker. The CPU temperature is monitored by the
onboard thermal sensor to prevent the CPU from overheating.
Current System Temp./ Current CPU Temp.
These read-only fields reflect the functions of the hardware thermal
sensor that monitors the chip blocks and system temperatures to ensure
the system is stable.
Current CPU Fan Speed/Chassis Fan Speed
These optional and read-only fields show the current speeds in RPM
(revolution per minute) for the CPU fan and chassis fan as monitored by
the hardware monitoring IC.
These optional and read-only fields show the current voltages in the
voltage regulators and power supply as monitored by the hardware
monitoring IC.