
Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
EN 14 ES1E5.
Table 5-1 Error Table
Service Tips:
In case of non-intermittent faults, clear the error buffer
before you begin the repair. This to ensure that old error
codes are no longer present. Before clearing the buffer,
write down the content, as this history can give you
significant information.
If possible, check the entire contents of the error buffer. In
some situations, an error code is only the result of another
error code and not the actual cause (e.g., a fault in the
protection detection circuitry can also lead to a protection).
5.6 The Blinking LED Procedure
5.6.1 Introduction
Via this procedure, you can make the contents of the error
buffer visible via the front LED. This is especially useful for fault
finding, when there is no picture.
When the SDM is activated, the front LED will show (by
blinking) the contents of the error-buffer. Error-codes > 10 are
shown as follows:
1. A long blink of 750 ms (which is an indication of the decimal
2. A pause of 1500 ms,
3. “n” short blinks (where “n” = 1 - 9),
4. When all the error-codes are displayed, the sequence
finishes with a LED blink of 3000 ms,
5. The sequence starts again.
Example: Error 12 9 6 0 0.
After activation of the SDM, the front LED will show:
1. 1 long blink of 750 ms (which is an indication of the decimal
digit) followed by a pause of 1500 ms,
2. 2 short blinks of 250 ms, followed by a pause of 3000 ms,
3. 9 short blinks of 250 ms, followed by a pause of 3000 ms,
4. 6 short blinks of 250 ms, followed by a pause of 3000 ms,
5. 1 long blink of 3000 ms to finish the sequence,
6. The sequence starts again.
5.6.2 How to Activate
Use one of the following methods:
Activate the SDM (only via soldering pads marked “FOR
SERVICE” on the SSB). The blinking front LED will show
the entire contents of the error buffer (this works in “normal
operation” mode and in “protection” mode). In order to
avoid confusion with RC5 signal reception blinking, this
LED blinking procedure is terminated when an RC5
command is received.
Transmit the commands “MUTE”, “06250x”, and “OK” with
a normal RC (where “x” is the position in the error buffer
that has to be displayed). With x= 1, the last detected error
is shown, x= 2 the second last error, etc.... When x= 0, all
errors are shown.
“DIAGNOSE X” with the DST (where “x” is the position in
the error buffer that has to be displayed). With x= 1, the last
detected error is shown, x= 2 the second last error, etc....
When x= 0, all errors are shown.
Note: It can take some seconds before the blinking LED starts.
5.7 Software Downloading
In this chassis, you can upgrade the software via ComPair.
You can find more information on how this procedure works in
the ComPair file. It is possible that not all sets are equipped
with the hardware, needed to make software upgrading
possible. To speed up the programming process the firmware
of the ComPair interface can be upgraded. See paragraph
“How To Order” for the order numbers.
Error Description
0 No error
1 Horizontal Protection (via NOHFB bit in ADOC)
3 +8V error (missing/protection active by checking
4 X-ray/High beam current protection signal (via
XPROT bit in ADOC)
5 Highbeam protection
7 Under-voltage protection
C communication failure / MPIF test failed
12 BC-loop not stabilised within the time limit (i.e. after
timer is expired)
13 NVM I
C communication failure
14 Main tuner 1232 I
C failure UV13xx
17 3D Y/C 7823 Combfilter I
C communication failure
18 PIP Tuner I
C failure
19 2fH component input I
C failure (PCF8574)
21 PIP IF demodulator IC TDA988x communication
failed (only for PIP/DW sets)
22 Flash over protection error (to register CRT flash-
overs, via FPR status bit in ADOC)