
EN 86 ES1E8.
8.4.4 Option Bit Definition
AV3: Side AV source.
Function: Disable/Enable side AV source.
Values: OFF= Disabled, side AV source is not available. ON=
Enabled, side AV source is available.
SCT3: SCART 3 input.
Function: Disable/Enable Scart3 input.
Values: OFF= Disabled. ON= Enabled.
ASPR: Aspect Ratio Setting.
Function: Select between 4 by 3 or 16 by 9 set.
Values: OFF= 4 by 3 set. ON= 16 by 9 set.
W4X3: Screen size 4x3.
Function: Disable/Enable Screen size 4x3.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Screen size 4x3 is not available. ON=
Enabled. Screen size 4x3 is available.
W169: Screen size 16x9.
Function: Disable/Enable Screen size 16x9.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Screen size 16x9 is not available.
ON= Enabled. Screen size 16x9 is available.
DNR: Dynamic Noise Reduction.
Function: Disable/Enable (Dynamic) Noise Reduction function.
Values: OFF=Disabled. ON= Enabled.
BBD: Black Bar Detection.
Function: Disable/Enable Black Bar Detection.
Values: OFF=Disabled, Black Bar Detection not available. ON=
Enabled, Black Bar Detection available.
Note: The Auto Screen Fit will not be included in the picture
size loop when BBD is OFF (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
CZOM: Continuous Zoom.
Function: Disable/Enable Continuous Zoom.
Values: OFF=Disabled. ON= Enabled (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
HSHT: Heading Shift.
Function: Disable/Enable Heading Shift.
Values: OFF=Disabled. ON= Enabled (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
SSHT: Subtitle Shift.
Function: Disable/Enable Subtitle Shift.
Values: OFF=Disabled. ON= Enabled (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
APC: Auto Picture Control (Auto TV).
Function: Disable/Enable Auto picture control.
Values: OFF= Disabled. ON= Enabled.
WSSB: Wide Screen Signalling Bit.
Function: Disable/Enable Wide screen Signalling bit function.
Values: OFF= Disabled. ON= Enabled (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
ROTI: Rotation Tilt.
Function: Change the tilt level of picture tube.
Values: OFF= Disabled, menu item ROTATION is not
available. ON= Enabled, menu item ROTATION is available
(WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
DGSC: Digital Scan.
Function: Enable/Disable the Digital Scan in the DIGITAL OPT
Values: OFF= Disabled, menu item DIG SCAN is not available.
ON= Enabled, menu item DIG SCAN is available.
SSD: Split Screen Demo.
Function: Disable/Enable Split Screen Demo.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Split Screen Demo is not available.
ON= Enabled. Split Screen Demo is available.
AAVL: Automatic Volume Level control.
Function: Disable/Enable automatic volume leveller function.
Values: OFF=Disabled, menu item AVL is not available. ON=
Enabled, menu item AVL is available.
DBYV: Dolby Virtual.
Function: Select surround setting.
Values: OFF= Disabled, DOLBY VIRTUAL setting is not
available. ON= Enabled, DOLBY VIRTUAL setting is available.
Note: Incredible surround & Dolby virtual are mutually
EQTO: Equalizer or Tone control.
Function: Selection between Equalizer and Tone control (Bass
and Treble).
Values: OFF= Tone control (Bass and Treble). ON= Equalizer.
Note: Equalizer and Tone (Bass and treble) control are
mutually exclusive.
QPEAK: AV Sound Mode detection.
Function: The current Sound Mode detection in AV is not
working correctly. The optimal threshold value for the correct
sound mode detection is still being investigated. Therefore, this
is needed to disable the Sound Mode detection in AV until the
correct threshold is identified.
Value: OFF= Disabled, AV sound auto detection is not
available. ON= Enabled. AV sound auto detection is available.
BASF: Bass Feature.
Function: Disable/Enable Bass Feature.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Bass Feature is not available. ON=
Enabled. Bass Feature is available.
Note: For this feature, 2 bits are used: bit 5 and bit 4 of NVM
address 21
. The following combinations are possible:
00 = Disable DBE and DUB;
01 = Enable DBE (bit 5 @ 21
= 0; bit 4 @ 21
= 1);
10 = Enable DUB (bit 5 @ 21
= 1; bit 4 @ 21
= 0);
11 = not used.
HPMN: Headphone menu.
Function: Disable/Enable Headphone menu.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Headphone menu is not available.
ON= Enabled. Headphone menu is available.
SWOF: Subwoofer.
Function: Disable/Enable Subwoofer.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Subwoofer is not available. ON=
Enabled. Subwoofer is available.
Note: For this feature, 2 bits are used: bit 1 of NVM address
and bit 7 of NVM address 18
. The following
combinations are possible:
00 = None;
01 = Subwoofer (bit 1@19
= 0; bit 7@18
= 1);
10 = Woox (bit 1@19
= 1; bit 7@18
= 0);
11 = not used.
PITN: Philips Tuner.
Function: Choose the tuner type that is configured in the
Values: OFF= Disabled, Other (non-Philips) tuner is used. ON=
Enabled, Philips compatible tuner is used.
Note: For this feature, 2 bits are used: bit 4 and bit 3 of NVM
address 1C
. The following combinations are possible:
00 = Other tuner;
11 = Philips tuner (bit 4 and bit 3@ 1C
= 1).
ACI: Automatic Channel Installation.
Function: Disable/Enable automatic channel installation.
Values: OFF= Disabled Automatic Channel Installation. ON=
Enabled Automatic Channel Installation.
Note: Download present program when ACI is ON.