
EN 87ES1E 8.
ATS: Automatic Tuning System.
Function: Disable/Enable automatic tuning system.
Values: OFF= Disabled, automatic tuning system is ignored.
ON= Enabled Automatic Tuning System, sort the program in an
ascending order starting from Program 1.
Note: Sort the program in an ascending order starting from
Program 1 when ATS is ON.
VMOD: Virgin Mode.
Function: Disable/Enable virgin mode.
Values: OFF= Disabled, cannot access virgin mode. ON=
Enabled, can access virgin mode.
Note: Plug and Play menu item will be displayed to perform
installation at the initial start up of the TV when MOD is ON and
after installation is done, VMOD will be automatically set to
UKPNP: UK Plug and Play.
Function: Disable/Enable UK’s default Plug and Play setting.
Values: OFF= Disabled, UK’s default Plug and Play setting is
not available. ON= Enabled, UK’s default Plug and Play setting
is available.
Note: When UKPNP and VMOD are ON at the initial set-up,
after auto store is complete, VMOD will be set automatically to
OFF while UKPNP remain ON.
Program Selection
PLST: Program List.
Function: Disable/Enable Program List function.
Values: OFF= Disabled, the access to Program List Command
is ignored. ON= Enabled, the access to Program List
Command is processed.
Picture In Picture
PIPC: PIP Control.
Function: Disable/Enable submenu to adjust PIP Picture
Values: OFF= Disabled, PIP feature is not available. ON=
Enabled, PIP feature is available
Note: PIP is present in FEATURES submenu when PIPC is
ON. When PIPC is switched OFF, bits PIPT, W4X3, and W169
must be automatically set to OFF.
PIPT: PIP Tuner.
Function: To determine the presence of second tuner.
Values: OFF= Disabled, second tuner is not available. ON=
Enabled, second tuner is available.
Note: When PIPC is switched OFF, bits PIPT, W4X3, and
W169 must be automatically set to OFF.
SMCK: Smart Clock/Autochron.
Function: Disable/Enable smart clock/AutoChron function.
Values: OFF= Disabled, menu item smart clock function not
available. ON= Enabled, menu item smart clock function
Note: For NAFTA, AUTOCHRON is present in INSTALL
submenu when SMCK is ON. For AP-PAL and EUROPE,
Smart clock downloaded from Teletext is enabled when SMCK
is ON.
TIME: Timer.
Function: Disable/Enable menu item TIMER.
Values: OFF= Disabled, menu item TIMER not available. ON=
Enabled, menu item TIMER available.
Note: TIMER submenu is present in FEATURES submenu
when TIME is ON.
Data Service
DTXT: Dual Text.
Function: Disable/Enable Dual Text.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Dual text is not available. ON=
Enabled. Dual text is available (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
RCMX: RC for Teletext Mix Mode.
Function: Disable/Enable RC for Teletext Mix mode support.
Values: OFF= Disabled. RC for mix mode is not available. ON=
Enabled, RC for mix mode is available.
FAPG: Favourite Page.
Function: Disable/Enable favourite page in Teletext mode.
Values: OFF= Disabled favourite page in Teletext mode. ON=
Enabled favourite page in Teletext mode.
T1H0: 100-Page Text.
Function: Disable/Enable 100-page Text.
Values: OFF= Disabled. 100-page text is not available. ON=
Enabled, 100-page text is available.
T2H5: 250-Page Text.
Function: Disable/Enable 250-page Text.
Values: OFF= Disabled. 250-page text is not available. ON=
Enabled, 250-page text is available.
T12H: 1200-Page Text.
Function: Disable/Enable 1200-page Text.
Values: OFF= Disabled. 1200-page text is not available. ON=
Enabled, 1200-page text is available.
VTXT: Video Text.
Function: Disable/Enable Video Text.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Video text is not available. ON=
Enabled. Video text is available (WS = 1; 4 : 3 = 0).
Lock Features
Child Lock.
Function: Disable / Enabled function to block/unblock
Values: OFF= Disabled. ON= Enabled.
OSD/Menu Related
SOSD: Smart OSD.
Function: Disable/Enable full display of SMART SOUND and
Values: OFF= Disabled, full display of SMART SOUND and
SMART PICTURE OSD not available. ON= Enabled, full
HOSP: Hospitality mode.
Function: Disable/Enable Hospitality mode.
Values: OFF= Disabled. Hospitality mode is not available. ON=
Enabled. Hospitality mode is available.
SBNP: Auto Standby with No Picture.
Function: Disable/Enable automatic switch to standby after 15
minutes when no ident.
Values: OFF= Disabled, no automatic switch to standby. ON=
Enabled, set switches to standby after 15 minutes when no
AUSB: Auto Standby Auto On.
Function: Disable/Enable automatic switch to standby if no RC
or local keyboard response after 4 hours provided that the set
is ON from standby mode by the timer.
Values: OFF= Disabled, no automatic switch to standby. ON=
Enabled, set switches to standby after 4 hours.
P50: P50 (Easylink).
Function: Disable/Enable P50 feature.
Values: OFF= Disabled, P50 feature not available. ON=
Enabled, P50 feature is available.