Operating Instructions

Messaging 93
Watchers List
The watchers list allows you to see who is viewing your
To Add Contacts from the Watchers List
You can add the watchers to the Contacts List using any
“Instant Messenger”
1. Press [Options] and select “Settings”.
2. Select “Watchers List”.
The Watchers List opens.
3. Press [Options] and select “Add to Contacts”.
To block a member from viewing your status,
highlight the member you wish to block, press
[Options] and select “Block User”.
Client Settings
You can set these options using any tab.
“Instant Messenger”
1. Press [Options] and select “Settings”.
2. Select one of the following items.
“My Status”: Changes your connection
status to “Online” or
“Screen Name”: Changes your screen
“Automatic Sign In”: Sets whether or not to sign
in when you turn your
phone on.
“Block List”: Views and removes
contacts from the Block
Sign Out
You can log out using any tab.
1. Press [Options] and select “Sign Out”.
Be sure to disconnect when signing out. Otherwise,
you will be charged for data.