Operating Instructions

Contacts List
(M 8-1)
You can store the phone numbers and email addresses of your friends, family and
colleagues in the Contacts List.
Your phone can store up to 500 entries. In a Contacts List, you can save the following items:
Items Saved in the Handset Memory
First Name: up to 16 characters
Last Name: up to 16 characters
Tel 1: up to 32 digits
Tel 2 (displayed if “Tel 1” is entered): up to 32 digits
Tel 3 (displayed if “Tel 2” is entered): up to 32 digits
Email1: up to 128 characters
Email2 (displayed if “Email1” is entered): up to 128 characters
Email3 (displayed if “Email2” is entered): up to 128 characters
Group: 16 groups (Group names can
be edited by the Manage
Group menu.)
Street Name: up to 64 characters
City Name: up to 64 characters
State Name: up to 64 characters
Postcode: up to 20 characters
Country Name: up to 32 characters
Note: up to 256 characters
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Contacts List
Manage Group
Speeddial List
My Contact Details