
For deliberate multiple exposures, make the first exposure in the normal way.
Then tighten the film by turning the rewind knob , and keep hold of the
rewind knob. Depress the film rewind
release button and advance the rapid-wind lever. This cocks the shutter
without advancing the film. Finally release the shutter to make the second
exposure. Then make one blank exposure, before taking the next picture, to
avoid overlapping. As the exposure counter continues to function each time
the shutter is cocked, a double exposure will be counted as two frames.
In addition to the standard split-image + microprism focusing screen,
there are 7 other interchangeable focusing screens available for your
To remove the standard focusing screen, pull the screen retainer
pin toward you with the pincette supplied with the interchangeable
focusing screen. The focusing screen will then flip down. Remove
the screen from the frame by grasping the protruding portion of the
screen with the pincette.
To install the screen of your choice, place it on the screen frame,
pushing it back to the original position until it locks with a click. To
remove dust particles from the screen, never wipe it with a cloth, or
the like, but just use a blower.
www.4butkus.or g