Interactive Tables Range Brochure

The Early Years Interactive Touchscreen Table gives you the
tools you need for early years foundation stage (EYFS) teaching
and learning. It sits at size mark 2 – the standard for early years
furniture in the UK, and can be tilted from vertical to horizontal
for individual or group use. Innovative P-CAP touchscreen
technology is perfect for early years mark making, which
is vital to the development of handwriting, gross and fine
motor skills.
Education-based games provide sta with an excellent tool
for teaching letters, numbers and shapes too. Apps keep
content engaging and memorable, and encourages children
to learn how to play and share with other children using digital
technology – setting them up for school and further education.
The Early Years Table is an excellent way of demonstrating your
compliance with Ofsted guidance too. The regulating body
now advises early years education providers to oer access to
digital technology to ensure children in their duty of care get
a well-rounded EYFS experience – one that prepares them for
future education and adulthood.
Early Years.
The Early Years Table is specifically designed for early years
education providers, like nurseries and junior schools.
Yellow Door
The Early Years Table works in harmony with award-winning
teaching and learning apps by Yellow Door. Yellow Door
oer multisensory resources for children in the early years
foundation stage age group. In conjunction with an Early Years
Table from Sharp, Yellow Door apps enable nurseries and other
early years education providers to develop children's learning
through fun and play - whilst importantly encouraging
the development of essential digital childhood skills from
an early age.
Their latest 26 app bundle supports development in numeracy,
literacy, phonics, STEM and precoding, as well as sensory skills
with the addition of the new Sensory Worlds app, all delivered
in a fun and engaging way.