
(2) Communication report sub code 1
The communication report sub code 1 (upper 2 digits) are always indicated as "00."
(3) Communication report sub code 2
Report code 2 Content of communication interruption Send/Receive
00 When the conditions after 01 do not apply. Send/Receive
01 Send length over Send
02 EOL time up Receive
03 Carrier detection time up Receive
04 Time up of the communication start command from the machine side Receive
05 Time up in phase C (8 min) Send
06 Memory image decode error Receive
07 Memory image decode error Send
08 Time up between frames in phase C (Report code is 0 or 16.) Send/Receive
09 Not used
10 Not used
11 Polarity reversion detection Receive
12 Invalid command reception Receive
13 Time up (1-minute timer/6-second time) Receive
14 PUT error Receive
15 In V.34 mode, time up is generated when shifting from Primary to Control. Receive
16 In V.34 mode, time up is generated when shifting from Control to Primary. Receive
17 Command receive time-up from MFP controller Receive
18 Not used
19 Not used
20 Polarity reversion detection Send
21 Invalid command reception Send
22 Fallback retry number over Send
23 Command retry number resend over Send
24 Time up (T5 timer) Send
25 Time up (T5 timer) in V.34 mode Send
26 In V.34 mode, time up is generated when shifting from Primary to Control. Send
27 In V.34 mode, time up is generated when shifting from Control to Primary. Send
28 When sending the FSK signal, no response of send completion is sent back from the MODEM chip within a certain time.
(V.34, other than V.34)
29 Not used
30 A communication error is generated between MFP controller and Modem controller. (Report code is 0 or 16.)
31 DC current not detected (busy) Send
32 Dial tone not detected (busy) Send
33 Busy tone detection (busy) Send
34 T0 time up (Remote machine not responding) Send
35 T1 time up (Remote machine not responding) Send
36 In dialing, polarity reversion detection (Remote machine not responding) Send
37 Calling is not made (busy)<Collision detected (including CNG detection)> Send
38 Not used
60 In resend of document filed data, an error occurs in decoding or coding. Resend
61 In resend of document filed data, setting to inhibit resolution conversion is made. (The resolution after resend is set to be
62 In resend of document filed data, rotation setting is made for data which cannot be rotated. Resend
63 In resend of document filed data, data cannot be stored in HD after conversion of resolution for resend. Resend
64 In resending data of document file, during conversion for resending, the number of IMS management pages exceeds the
upper limit (999). (IT occurs in OSA Scan to FTP also, resulting in memory over.)
70 E-mail header acquisition error E-mail receive
71 Time out occurs during e-mail receive. E-mail receive
72 Receive reject occurs during e-mail receive. E-mail receive
73 Network communication cannot be made due to port disable. Network send
74 An authentication of the POP server is failed when POP before SMTP is enabled. Network send
75 In the setting of SSL communication, when SSL communication is tried but the server side does not support SSL. Network send
76 There is no image in network communication (transfer). Network send
80 There is no attached file in received e-mail. E-mail receive
81 The attached file of received e-mail is not of TIFF type which is supported. E-mail receive
82 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
ID erro
E-mail receive
83 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
Endian error
E-mail receive
84 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
Version error
E-mail receive
85 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
Tag data error
E-mail receive
86 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
Tag parameter error
E-mail receive
87 The TIFF type of the attached file in received e-mail cannot be recognized.
Header size error
E-mail receive