
2. Display of maintenance execution timing
The message of maintenance execution timing is displayed when each counter reaches the set value. The relations between the messages
and the counters are shown below.
A. Maintenance counter
* After execution of maintenance, be sure to execute SIM24-4 to clear the maintenance counter (Total) and the maintenance counter (Color).
B. Primary transfer unit
* After execution of the maintenance, execute SIM24-4 to clear the primary transfer unit print counter, the accumulated number of rotations
counter, and the use day counter.
C. Secondary transfer unit
* After execution of the maintenance, execute SIM24-4 to clear the secondary transfer print counter, the accumulated number of rotations
counter, and the use day counter.
D. Fusing unit
Display content
Display condition
Print JOB
set value
Counter name Counter value
Maintenance required. Code: TA 0 (Print continue) Maintenance counter (Total) When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Enable
1 (Print stop) When 90% of the SIM21-1 set value is reached.
Maintenance required. Code: TA 1 (Print stop) When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Disable
Maintenance required. Code: CA 0 (Print continue) Maintenance counter (Color) When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Enable
1 (Print stop) When 90% of the SIM21-1 set value is reached.
Maintenance required. Code: CA 1 (Print stop) When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Disable
Maintenance required. Code: AA 0 (Print continue) Both of total and color When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Enable
1 (Print stop) When 90% of the SIM21-1 set value is reached.
Maintenance required. Code: AA 1 (Print stop) When the SIM21-1 set value is reached. Disable
Display content
Display condition
Print JOB
set value
Counter name Counter value
Maintenance required.: TK1 0 (Print continue) Primary transfer unit print counter 18cpm machine:
When 80K is reached.
20/23/26/31cpm machine:
When 100K is reached.
36cpm machine:
When 120K is reached.
1 (Print stop)
Display content
Display condition
Print JOB
set value
Counter name Counter value
Maintenance required.: TK2 0 (Print continue) Secondary transfer unit print counter 18cpm machine:
When 240K is reached.
20/23/26/31cpm machine:
When 300K is reached.
36cpm machine:
When 360K is reached.
1 (Print stop)
Display content
Display condition
Print JOB
set value
set value
Counter name Counter value
Maintenance required.: FK1 0 (Print continue) Fusing roller print counter
(18/20cpm machine)
Fusing belt print counter
(23/26/31/36cpm machine)
18/20/26/31cpm machine:
(Excpet North America)
When 100K is reached.
23cpm machine:
When 100K is reached.
26/31cpm machine:
(North America)
When 200K is reached.
36cpm machine:
When 240K is reached.
1 (Print stop)
Maintenance required.: FK2 0 (Print continue) Pressure roller print counter 18/20cpm machine:
When 100K is reached.
23/26/31cpm machine:
When 200K is reached.
36cpm machine:
When 240K is reached.
1 (Print stop)
Maintenance required.: FK3
(36cpm machine only)
0 (Print continue) Fusing web print counter When 120K is reached. Enable
1 (Print stop)
Maintenance required.: FK3 (Pop-up)
(36cpm machine only)
0 (Print continue) Fusing web print counter When Web end detection is ON. Enable
1 (Print stop) Disable