Service manual

46 29 Image contrast adjustment
Contrast is set for each mode.
When this simulation is executed, the current se value is displayed in 2 digits (Default: 50).
Change the set value and press [START] key to make a copy under the set value.
When the set value is increased, the contrast becomes higher. When the set value is
decreased, the contrast becomes lower.
In this case, only Exp.3 copy is made. When, however, the setting is made to make higher con-
trast, Exp.1 and Exp.5 copies also become in higher contrast. When made to a lower contrast,
Exp1. and Exp.5 copies become lower contrast, too.
Press [ ] [ ] key to switch the mode. The set value of the selected mode is displayed on
the LCD/display. (Adjustment value: 1 – 99)
* No density display on LCD/display.
The operation is similar to simulation 46-01.
30 AE limit adjustment [Function]
Used to set the limit value in AE and AE (toner save).
Change the setting and press [ENTER]/[START] key to write the setting into the EEPROM. The
machine goes into the sub code entry standby mode.
By pressing [ ] [ ] key, setting is changed. (Setting range: 0 - 255, Default 196)
When simulation 26-06 (Destination setting) or simulation 46-19 Auto Exposure mode is
changed, the setting of this simulation is also changed to the default in connection.
The operation is similar to simulation 46-19.
Contents Details of function/operation
Mode Display item LED Default
AE mode (600dpi) AE COPY mode lamp 50
TEXT mode (600dpi) TEXT PRINT mode lamp 50
PHOTO mode PHOTO SCAN mode lamp 50
TS mode (TEXT) (600dpi) TSTXT PRINT mode lamp
SCAN mode lamp
TS mode (AE) (600dpi) TSAE COPY mode lamp
SCAN mode lamp
Dither mode D_PHO COPY mode lamp
PRINT mode lamp
SCAN mode lamp
Mode Display item Remark
Limit value for AE AE
Limit value for AE (Toner save) TSAE
Limit value for AE (SPF) AESPF
Limit value for AE (Toner save), (SPF) TAESPF