
Setting of Port for Search (ADVANCED[0]Port for Search)
Sets the port number used when Sharp COM Redirection Software searches for AN-LS1.
Please Enter Port Number for Search from Computer.
Valid range : 1025 to 65535
Port for Search : 5006
Please Enter : 5004
(change) > 5004
Return to Default Settings (ADVANCED[!]Restore Default Setting)
Returns all setting values that can be set using the menu to the default state.
Same operation as turning on the power while holding down the INIT. (Initialize) button on the unit.
Restore All Setting to Default(y/n)? y
User Setting Initialized
If this operation is performed while changing the setting for AN-LS1 via Telnet, there may be
situations where AN-LS1 cannot be connected depending on the network setting for the computer
for control since the set values for IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and etc. are restored to
the initial state.
Return to Main Menu (ADVANCED[Q]Return to Main Menu)
Returns to the main SETUP MENU.
———————— S E T U P M E N U ——————————
[1]IP Address [2]Subnet Mask [3]Default Gateway
[4]User Name [5]Password
[6]RS-232C Baud Rate [7]Unit Name
[A]Advanced Setup [D]Disconnect All
[V]View All Setting [S]Save & Quit [Q]Quit Unchanged
Enter 0 and press the return key.
Enter numerical value and press
the return key.
Display set numerical value.
Enter y and press the return key.
Enter ! and press the return key.
Enter q and press the return key.