
Items and outline of menu frame of Web pages
Destination Management
The basic screen on which you can add, modify, or delete the destinations for image data scanned by the network
scanner. The recipient information for facsimile and Internet facsimile features (destination address, facsimile number,
etc.) is described below.
Up to 500 destinations in total can be registered. In addition, up to 100 destinations can be registered in the file
server and desktop in total.
Setting E-mail Destinations
Sets the destination information for E-mail delivery from the network scanner.
Destination E-mail addresses and file types as well as information for destination control (destination name, index,
name for front panel display, etc.) are configured by this control.
Setting FTP Destinations
Sets the storage location information for file server storage scan of network scan data. File server information (such
as host name) and file types as well as information for destination control (destination name, user index, name for
front panel display, etc.) are configured by this control.
Setting Desktop Destinations
Sets the destination information for desktop delivery of network scan data. Destination computer information (such
as host name) in which the network scanner tool/Sharpdesk has been installed and file types as well as the information
for destination control (destination name, user index, name for front panel display, etc.).
Setting Fax Destinations
Sets the fax destination. Fax numbers of recipients and communication mode as well as information for destination
control (destination name, index, name for front panel display, etc.).
Setting i-Fax Destinations
Sets the Internet fax destination information. E-mail addresses of destination and file types as well as information
for destination control (destination name, index, name for front panel display, etc.).
Setting Group Destinations
Sets destination groups for transmitting data at a time by collecting destinations that have been set as E-mail
destination, fax destination and i-fax destination.
Delete Destination
Screen for checking to see if deletion may be executed after selecting a destination to be deleted from the destination
list on the destination management screen and clicking the Delete button. The destination data will be deleted when
the Yes button is clicked.
Fax Memory Box Management
Basic screen for setting the memory area (memory box) for fax images. The memory box has the following three
functions. Up to 100 items in total can be registered for these functions.
Polled memory box control
Relay broadcasting
Confidential reception
Polled Memory Box Control
Original data that has been stored in this machine can be transmitted to another facsimile machine when the remote
facsimile machine requests transmission.
Confidential reception
Data to be printed is sent to this machine and held until released for printing from the operation panel of this
Relay broadcasting
Memory box information for transmitting received data can be configured by this control.