Instruction manual

Sharp MX-3501N
tel. (1) 732-761-2311
fax. (1) 732-761-2312
Copyright © 2006 MCA Internet, LLC dba BERTL 2-May-06
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Page 30
Color at Work
BERTL has liked the Carbon
Copy feature since its
introduction on Sharp MFPs
several years ago.
The feature creates a second
(carbon) copy of the document
onto a different paper source.
Companies that traditionally
used two-piece forms can
migrate away from dot matrix/
line printers to a laser- based
The Tab Paper Print function
within the Special Options list
on the main tab is another use-
ful function.
After choosing the type of tab,
users can enter the text for each
tab, choosing a font and orienta-
tion of each tab table.
Users can also stipulate a paper
source for each page of the
document. In the example to the
right, the bypass tray has been
selected for the covers and a
separate stock chosen as chap-
ter dividers on pages 20, 30 and